West Bengal Council of Women, Estd. 1918 is affiliated to the National Council of Women in India.
Registered under West Bengal Act XXVI of 1961 No. S/65842 and is located at 145B, Sarat Bose Road, Kolkata 700026 (Phone 2419-2112) Registered under Section 80G of IT(Exemption) Act. 1976, Registered under F.C.R.A
Ananda Shishu Vidyalaya:
Ananda Shishu Vidyala, a primary school for the under privileged children, is being successfully run by the West Bengal Council of Women in Kutubpur – a remote village in the district of Hooghly in West Bengal. The students, studying from Nursery to class II, belong to the general, schedule castes, tribes and minority classes.
The children are given all round education and they excel in singing, dancing, brarachari too. They have got rid of their shyness and learnt to write on the blackboard, recite English rhymes and perform in various cultural activities. The students studying in Infant can indentify objects in English and is taught to express themselves in English. Class I students can form short English words and make short sentences. Class II students are learning to write short paragraphs in English on animals, birds, etc.
The students are given nutritious midday meals daily and uniforms twice a year. Parents-teacher meetings are held regularly so that there is interaction between them. The children are provided health check up every week by a doctor.

We are proud to state that if a child is unwilling to come to school, the parents contact the teachers and with the latter’s cooperation they send their children.
The parents do not want their wards to miss classes. The positive response on the part of the parents is a huge inspiration for us.
A picnic is held annually so that students, parents, teachers and council members can participate and enjoy the day out. The students celebrate various events like Republic Day, Sarawati Puja, Independence Day, Rabindra Jayanti and other occasions.
The students and ex-students performed admirably in the centenary celebrations of the West Bengal Council in December 2018. A special trainer was appointed to the teach the students singing and dancing and it was a great achievement for the council to showcase their talent on stage in Kolkata, where they performed for the first time in life. The programme was applauded by all.
There has been an increase of students from 75 to 106 this year. There is a request by parents to extend classes till III and IV. We are happy to state that our donors are very satisfied with our work.

Balwadi :
The balwadi in Chelua, Hooghly, comprising 30 students, has been running very well. They are given uniforms and winter garments annually. They are provided stationery and tiffin. The Council helps them to get admitted to the government school.
Anirban Vocational Training Centre:
Vocational training is provided to under privileged women in Mandra, Hooghly. Training in food processing, tailoring, beautician course are given and 10 – 15 women are benefitted. The training is conducted with the kind donation provided by National Council of Women.
Self Help Groups:
There are 8 self-help groups who are engaged in embroidery work, Tailoring, animal husbandry. 2 self-help groups participate in exhibitions held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. They have their own stall at Lajpatnagar.
Educational sponsorship Program:
The Council sponsors 8 bright students who are poverty stricken. They are doing very well in the examinations.

Centenary Celebrations of West Bengal Council:
We were honored to receive a plaque, commemorating our centenary, from Mrs. Rakhi Shetty, President National Council of Women (in India). It was awarded to West Bengal Council President, Mrs. Aninda Sen.
It is a matter of honour and pride that West Bengal Council of Women celebrated its centenary year in 2018. On 7th December 2018, a wonderful program by the students and ex-students of Ananda Shishu Vidyalaya and Adivasi’s was held in Kolkata. The tribal dance by the Santhals was greatly applauded by all. It was telecast on Doordarshan and even published in the Times of India.
On 8th December 2018, National Council of Women CEC and governing body meeting was held in Armenian Club, Kolkata, followed by lunch. In the evening a dinner was hosted at Floatel Restaurant by West Bengal Council and it was enjoyed by all.
On 9th December 2019, a project visit was organised by the Council and Pushpaji, Rakhiji and other NCWI members attended it.
We were honoured to receive a plaque, commemorating our centenary, from Mrs. Rakhi Shetty, President National Council of Women (in India). It was awarded to West Bengal Council President, Mrs. Aninda Sen.