Founded by Lady Tata, the Maharashtra State Council of Women, Mumbai, runs various projects including:
Asha Sadan (“House of Hope”), a home for destitute children up to the age of 6, and young girls aged 14-20 years who are seeking refuge from abusive circumstances. The Adoption Group deals with domestic and international adoption.
Asha Kiran, a day care and learning centre for street children.
Savera, a centre for children with special needs from underprivileged homes.
Foster Care, a group that provides financial support to children of single or terminally ill underprivileged parents.
Bapnu Ghar (“Father’s House”), a safe haven for battered women and those in severe social distress.
Abhilasha, a program that provides nursery and pre-KG education and midday meals for children, vocational training for women of the Dharavi slums, and an evening study centre.
Lotus Home for Senior Women Citizens, a paid-for residential facility for women over 65 years of age.

It is a matter of great pleasure and pride for me to present this annual report when the Council is completing 100 years of service to the mankind. It was in the year 1919 when the First World War had concluded that a group of right thinking women thought about the war affected women and children. This group founded the then Bombay Presidency Women’s Council on 31st January 1919 which with the passage of time has come to be known as today’s Maharashtra State Women’s Council. The basic objective was to reintegrate these needy souls into society by way of education and vocational skills. This would make them economically independent and also restore their dignity. Indeed for the prosperity of a Nation it is imperative to alleviate the economic status of it’s disadvantaged women and children.
Serving the community at large for 100 years is a great pride and achievement for any organization. The USP of the Council is that it is managed by a group or voluntary women who provide the basic managerial and administrative frame work for reaching it’s objectives. They are supported by dedicated employees, who are specially trained to meet the needs of the particular project. At present the Council runs ten project, which are run by collective efforts of a number of Committees and Groups. The funds required for carrying out all these activities are primarily obtained through donations received from generous persons besides by way of fund raising programmes. The MSWC is able to favourably impact the lives of over 1500 needy women and children every year.
The website of the Council is regularly accessed by hundreds of people all over the world. Our Facebook page www.facebook.com/mswcashasadan is very popular and keeps donors well-wishers and supporters constantly updated about the Council and it’s activities and achievements. It is an excellent platform to reach out to bigger and more varied sections of society.
Future plans of the Council include expanding the scale of ongoing projects. To accommodate more children in Asha Kiran (Street Children Project) it is proposed to expand the existing building by adding a floor subject to obtaining the necessary approval. We plan to increase the number of volunteers to cope with the need of growing projects.

Asha Sadan:
Literally means House of Hope – is a warm and caring 98 year old children’s home that provide shelter to committed and abandoned children and teenaged girls fleeing from abusive circumstances trained staff take care of the infants/children and young girls with a view to rendering them to a mentally and physically healthy condition. Education and Vocational training is provided to all as the main objective is to reintegrate them into society. The government gives a small annual grant for this project.
In society, on the one hand there are a number of childless couples who are eager to become parents and on the other hand we find numerous orphans who are in need of family support. The adoption group works as a mediator between the two, and brings joy to both. The group works in accordance with rules and regulation framed by CARA. Several children thus adopted contact the Council through social media to search their roots.
Asha Kiran (Street Children Project):
Provides a day centre to the children of pavement dwellers. These children are registered at the centre and enrolled in nearby schools or colleges. They are given nutritious meals and are encouraged to take part in different activities which are arranged for them at the centre. The primary aim is to provide for the development of children through education and vocational training and also to teach them the basics of health and hygiene. These are children who would otherwise be inducted into begging or other undesirable activities or be under constant threat of exploitation. The centre also runs a night shelter for 25 girls.
Bapnu Ghar:
Father’s Home, provides round the clock temporary shelter for women in social distress irrespective of their age, caste and creed. It is a home for those women who have nowhere else to go. Married women and widows or young girls who are victims of domestic violence can walk into Bapnu Ghar at any time of the day or night and are given shelter immediately. Family counselling and legal aid is offered to those who are in need of it.
Abhilasha Centre:
Is located in the largest slum in Asia namely Dharavi. A Balwadi is run here for the poor and illiterate children of slum area. Every year over 200 children take advantage of this facility. Nutritious meal is served to them along with fun play activities and education. Vocational training is given to young girls and women in tailoring so that they can earn their livelihood. A study centre is operated in the evening for students to study under supervision.
Savera Committee:
An institution which serves the differently abled underprivileged children. A day care centre for young children and vocational training as well as a sheltered workshop is made available for the older ones. Nutritious meals are given daily. Various activities like music, yoga and dancing are conducted by trained teachers as therapeutic sessions for them. This year Home science is added as activity. In the workshop they are taught to make useful articles which are then exhibited at different exhibitions. Part of the proceeds are given to these children as stipend. This gives them necessary confidence and reduces burden on their families.
Foster Care Committee:
It works on the philosophy that children are best nurtured in their own homes. This project is funded jointly by the Council and Directorate of Women and Child Welfare board, Govt. of Maharashtra. Foster Care Committee identifies families, especially single parents who face financial problems and require assistance to educate their children. Typically these are circumstances due to ill health, death of an earning member and no one to care for the children. Several Foster Care beneficiaries have graduated and secured decent jobs, thus making this a very successful project of the Council.
Free Public Library at Worli:
The Directorate of Libraries, gives a grant to the Council for this project. It offers a well-stocked library for use of students and adults who wish to come and read. The Library has a large collection of books in English, Hindi and Marathi. Reference books for under graduate and post graduate students are available. This is a boon for underprivileged students and people of nearby localities.

Study Centre:
Which operates as an extension of the library and free reading room has gained tremendous popularity among students of nearby areas. More than 1000 students have registered here and many of them come here every day to study in peace and comfort. This Centre is run with the financial support provided by the Mahindra Group.
Lotus Home for Senior Women Citizen:
Offers a very safe, secure and comfortable life for vulnerable senior women. This is a 16 bedded residential home for women above 65 years of age, who can be admitted on a short term and long term basis.
Health Group:
The Council successfully operates a Family Planning Clinic jointly with the Family Planning Association of India, which has a steady stream of patients. The Dental and Family clinic is open to the community twice a week. Health Group has made a positive impact in the lives of those live in the nearby areas.
Funds Committee:
Every project of social work needs money for successful running. Major source of funding for the Council is Corporate and Individual donations. Besides, Fund Raising events are also organised. Tata Mumbai Marathon – 2019 helped the Council raised substantial donation. The Council received four Corporate sponsorships for the Marathon. Three individual fund raisers also raised ample donations for the Council. In addition several members helped to raise substantial amounts through charity bibs. A number of organizations are being approached to obtain financial support through their CSR initiative.
2019 helped the Council raised substantial donation. The Council received four Corporate sponsorships for the Marathon. Three individual fund raisers also raised ample donations for the Council. In addition several members helped to raise substantial amounts through charity bibs. A number of organizations are being approached to obtain financial support through their CSR initiative.
Bank Information for donation:
Bank Name: Union Bank of India
Bank Address: Mumbai Samachar Marg Branch, Fort, Mumbai – 400 023.
Account Number: 317902012027898
Account Name: Maharashtra State Women’s Council
IFSC Code: UBIN0531791
MICR Code: 400026002
Contact Names and Number
Maharashtra State Women’s Council:
Address: Town Hall, Central Library S. Bhagat Singh Marg, Mumbai – 400 001.
Tel No: 022 2266 2013/ 2266 4834
Email Id: mswcouncil@gmail.com
President: Mrs. Leena Gokhale
Vice President : Mrs. Fatema Merchant
Hon. Treasuer : Mrs. Rekha Joshi